Welcome Reception

This is a headshot of Dr. Michelle Bachelor Robinson, an African-American woman with black, shoulder-length hair and a blue floral top.

Welcome Reception

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. National Historical Park

450 Auburn Ave NE, Atlanta, GA 30312

Saturday, September 30th

6pm – 9pm

Shuttle Service will be provided to this event only. Shuttles will leave Cosby Hall on Spelman Campus at 5:30pm and will depart the park at 9pm for conference hotels.

Kick off the 2023 Feminisms and Rhetorics Deconference at one of the most important national historical parks in the United States. The Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. National Historical Park includes both King’s boyhood home and Ebenezer Baptist Church, where King, Jr. and his father pastored. The park is also houses the gravesites of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Coretta Scott King. Attendees will also have access to the King Park Visitor Center.